Answer a Question - Feed the Hungry at is a site run by the UN World Food Program. For every answer you get right, they donate free rice to help end world hunger.
I enjoy answering questions in the vocabulary section best, but subjects include other languages, chemistry, math and more. Be forewarned: the questions start off fairly easy and then quickly ramp up in level of difficulty. If you get an answer wrong, the question will repeat itself fairly quickly, so you'll have a chance to redeem yourself.
From the FAQ: Though 10 grains of rice may seem like a small amount, it is important to remember that while you are playing, so are thousands of other people at the same time. It is everyone together that makes the difference. Thanks to you, FreeRice has generated enough rice to feed millions of people since it started in October 2007 (with over 74 billion grains donated to date).
A little number-crunching: In countries where rice is a staple part of the diet, about 400 grams of rice per person, per day is consumed. There are about 48 grains of rice in a gram. Each question you answer correctly is worth 10 grains of rice. Can anyone figure out how many questions you need to answer in order to provide one person with enough rice for one day?

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