Playing With Stocks
Wally The Stock Ticker Game isn't so much a game as it is a simple way to learn about stocks. By clicking on the name of the stock from a drop down menu, you can find out the company's symbol, its current price, the daily highs and lows, and so on. Each of these facts is prefaced by a short explanation of why you should know this information, and asks how you think you would use it.
When I clicked on Today's Low for KO (that's the stock symbol for Coca Cola), it read
Your stock in Coca Cola went down to $43.82 for a little while today. Does that get you worried?This could be a fun introduction to paper investing.
It shouldn't. People trade stock all day long. It goes up and down and at the end of the day, it takes a rest for the night.
categorieschildren's learning games kids sites educational fun homeschool
Labels: money, paper investing, stocks

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