Learning Fun for Kids Online

Home school and after school, kids online can access some great sites and games that are both educational and fun. This site reviews and links to the best, and also discusses some parenting articles and homework sites of interest to parents.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

The Countries of Europe

Most online maps tend to deal with the U.S. and State capitals, so I was happy to find a Europe Map Match Game over at KidsGeo.com.

You've got a map of Europe on your left and to the right side of the screen you'll find a country shape (and the name of that country) which you need to drop into the map. This is a great review for those places you should know (Albania or Macedonia, for instance) but forget, or the ones you get always get mixed up (Sweden and Finland anyone?).

There are twenty-one countries in total and if you (or your child) gets tired, a click on the CLUE button will light up the area on the map where you are to drag and drop the country in question.

If you're too sorely tempted by the CLUE button, and want to try without -- the Europe Map Puzzle at YourChildLearns.com might be just the drag-and-drop game for you! (It also doesn't have a timer, so if it takes you several hundred seconds to find Slovakia's home, you don't have to be embarrassed). You can also print out your map of Europe (maybe color in each country and label it) at YourChildLearns.com, ranging in size from one page to nearly 7' across!


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posted by Stephanie @ Wednesday, December 09, 2009  


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