Internet Safety for Kids Online
Nothing beats parental involvement and supervision, but there's a list of 10 rules for online safety at that kids and parents should be aware of and talk about.
Remember -- children are programmed to give the "right answer" when asked a question, so it's crucially important that the privacy factor (which seems so obvious to adults) not only be introduced but also reviewed from time to time. Reasons backing up the need for privacy and safety don't have to explicit enough to frighten -- it's enough for kids to understand that there are bullies online (just like at school).
With cyber-bullying becoming a truly serious issue, it's not just strangers parents need to be concerned about. If your child has any kind of social media account (like Facebook or MySpace, for instance), make sure s/he knows how to delete suggested friends and decline invitations, etc., in order to maintain a semblance of control on the messages that flood in. Look through the spam box in your child's email account once in a while (and empty it). If it's full of spam that you don't want your child to see, simply open up a new kid-safe email account.

categorieschildren's learning games kids sites educational fun homeschool
Labels: internet safety, kids email accounts

At 10:38 PM,
G. Bassalt said…
Great post. More parents need to see this type of positive, pro-active internet safety material.
My favs and
At 11:23 PM,
Stephanie said…
Thanks for those links. The more information we have, the better we can help protect our children.
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